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First Joke In Series
Bar Jokes
Blonde Jokes
Men & Women
Old People


Tasteless Jokes: Men & Women

80-year-old-couple watching TV

93 year old woman...

A couple married 48 years

A guy comes home from work one day to find his girlfriend packing.

A guy meets a hooker in a bar

A husband comes home with a half-gallon of ice cream

A lady walks into a Lexus dealership

A man goes to a psychiatrist

A man is deserted on an island with only his dog

A newlywed farmer and his wife

A young man has dinner with the parents

Alabama Girl

An 18 year-old girl tells her Mom that she has missed her period

Brian comes home from the pub

Dem Shoes Make You Wild At Sex

Do You?

Harry & Zelda

Harry and his wife are driving in the country

How are women and rocks alike?

How is a woman

I like my women

Man Meets a Blonde

Man starts putting the moves on his wife

Man walks into the bedroom

Men Are Like...

My first time with a condom

Naked in the River

On a passenger flight

Rubbing Cream

Suppository Incident

The Difference Between Men & Women

The Smarest Thing

The Smarest Thing

This boy takes his girlfriend back to her home

Three words

Two guys are walking down the street

Two guys playing golf

Two medical students were walking along

Two women are talking

What did the cannibal do

What do 300 pounds of bricks

What would men do with a Vagina for 24 hours:

What would women do with a Penis for 24 hours:

What's blue

What's the difference

What's the difference

What's the difference

Who's the most popular guy at the nudist colony?

Why do men pay more for car insurance?

Why don't witches wear panties?

Why is a washing machine

Why is divorce so expensive?

Wish Fulfillment

Woman Goes to a Hairstylist

Woman walks into a pharmacy

Worst thing about oral sex

business owner faced certain reverses

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